Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Forgot what I look like?

Hopefully my lovely sister will FINALLY decide to comment on some posts (or at least confirm you've read through them!) Until then, I should probably remind her of what I look like...


I apologize for my bulging lower eyelid, I'm not exactly sure what was/is wrong with it. My hair is shorter and slightly "triangled". There's some reminisce from the purple hair dye I added to my tips. Sadly, it had to go, as aspiring CNAs and RNs are not allowed to have fun with their hair... I mean, they have to look professional.

I'll add a couple of sunset/sunrise pictures I've taken as well. They aren't SLR quality, but decent for phone photography.

It's FINALLY Thanksgiving break. I had almost no drive to do anything school related today (which is proven by my blog post), and I'm excited for Alex's mom's tamales!

My Grandmother called to announce that she moved out of the apartments she was in into a place near my Aunt Farah and where she used to live. I'm glad she got out of that place, since it was like a "watched" apartment complex since more elderly people lived there. My Grandma is in too good of health for a place like that. It's also good since my father doesn't live near her now - I won't have to endure awkward moments while going to visit people I actually choose to visit.

I know I'm a lengthy typer, I just always have so much on my mind! I had no idea I would enjoy being on this, even if I am just typing to myself and Carey. Perhaps journalism is the field for me...

Love, Light, and Peace as always,


  1. I'm catching up!

    You're making me want to write more on my blog too!! I still have some catching up to do from the summer. Eek...

    * I love the black & white tree photo. You should put it as an image on the side.

    {Hi to Mom & Alex! ... Remember, it's your job to give her updates about me. :-)}

  2. * You do, my visit! Duh! (:
    * I will!
    * Again, will do! She's good and is spending Thanksgiving at Wayne's! She's going to help me make a pumpkin pie too!
