Friday, January 18, 2013

The licensed driver.

It's been a very long time since I've posted, so I'm going to try and wrap up the past month.

Christmas: Awesome. Got a laptop from my love, an awesome handmade necklace from my sister, and the promise of car insurance.

New Years: Had dinner at Alex's mom's house, it was deLISH. Began driving more.

Recently: Finished this hell-of-a-semester, didn't have to take the anatomy final, and got my license today (1/18/13).

Want a fun story about obtaining my license? I was originally going to do the road test yesterday, but it had been raining for three days and half of Taylorsville had standing water (even though mom and I had driven all the way there). We called today and they were giving them, so we went.

 I know DMV employees aren't rainbows and sunshine, but this woman was kind-of rude (or so it seemed). I apologized for the creaks my car producers (fender rubs against tire, the brakes squeak, etc) and past that, I was doing ok. We turned on a secluded road, and she asked me to perform the 3-point road turn. I did it pretty well. Then came to backing up straight. Here's the issue - I am 5'4" and my car is a BOAT. She expected me to be able to see the road from the back window, without looking in any of the other mirrors provided, and back up straight. I looked backed, hoping I was staying on the road, and when she asked me to stop, I turned about to see that I was on the other side. She kind of sighed and asked me to return to the office. I wanted to cry. I knew I had failed.
Turns out, I didn't (by some grace of something).

My friend said (quoting this): A mutual friend went to get their license, failed to stop before crossing a RR (in fact, they sped right across it), completely screwed up a three point turn around, ran over the curb, and still got their license. And, surprisingly, they still can't drive (GOOD) now. Frankly, the DMV will give a license to a monkey with $30.

Also, another mutual friend of ours ran two red lights (all of this is from the same DMV) and still got her license. So, maybe it isn't as miraculous as planned.

And, anywho, that is a short summary of what has been up. Honestly, I'm just glad the first semester of my last year of high school is OVER. It was way more trouble than it was worth. Now I just have Nursing Fundamentals for the first two periods, Latin III Honors and Health Science Advanced Studies (instead of Holocaust Lit.) Ahhh..

Also, I love and miss my sister! I hope she had a wonderful time in Hawaii and I hope she'll give a full summary on her blog! I also can't wait to go there with her in June! ;)

Love & Light,
T. Smith

(P.S. - I'm going to try and update my health blog with other things, such as spirituality, thanks to inspiration from Youtubers TheSoulfulVegan and TipToeChick. I'm excited and will probably begin posting tomorrow)

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