Thursday, December 13, 2012

Grades grades grades...

So these past two weeks have been whacky, grade and life wise.

Last week with grades was.. interesting.
I got a 94 on my research paper. Now, it's an A-, sure, but I can do better. I knew it wasn't my best work, but it really was the best I could do with my information and topic, at least I thought so.
Anatomy has been.. hm. Lots of work, not actually learning except for from the work we do, and feeling overloaded.
I made a 70 on a recent computer exam on the Nervous System. There was only 20 questions and they're 5 points each. I usually do well, so it was kind of a kick in the stomach. Then again, I think my brain was on a different wave.. something else happened that day.

But, despite all of that, I'm improving. I'm still keeping up with all of my work and I made a 90 on a blood and immune system exam today.
I also got 7 chapters of anatomy work, having to read Frankenstein, anatomy packets on the way, and studying for all sorts of tests in between.. all before Christmas break. Not to mention anatomy work during break.

And.. senior project. *shivers* I have almost everything complete.. I just have to do tweaking and organizing. I really hope I am "proficient" enough to graduate in the eyes of the panel.

Only one thing on my mind until next semester..
Gotta remember where women have come in the past century and the responsibility I have to take every opportunity I can.

Love & Light & Peace,
T. Smith

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